“I am well acquainted with the ministry of U-Turn For Christ and Gerry Brown. To my estimation it is one of the most effective ministries I know of in helping men turn their lives around. At the present time we employ many of the men whose lives were being destroyed by drugs and alcohol, but were rehabilitated through this ministry. These men are now living very productive lives. Without reservation I can highly recommend this ministry.”
“All of us are aware of the great harm done by drugs. When a person has once been captivated by the desire for drugs, how difficult it is to see him set free. In fact, we’re convinced that there is only one thing that can set a man free from alcoholism and drug abuse, and that is Jesus Christ. So many of these fellows have burned bridges behind them. They have no place to go. That is one of the big problems for a man who is wanting to get out of the hell that drug abuse brings him to. There needs to be a place where he can go and get cleaned up. A place where he can have a powerful Christian influence . . . and he can be set free.”
~Pastor Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, CA.